Thursday, 9 May 2013


I am trying to stay as positive a possible and not allowing the negative to affect me! I am on a mission not to complain about being pregnant, as it has driven me crazy listening to other women complain about pregnancy and children while we were trying to conceive (and even now!) I complained a lot with my first pregnancy and I'm adamant not to be like that again! I was uncomfortable and was happy to let everyone know that! Now it has taken us so long to conceive I'm taking every little thing as a good thing, and trying to enjoy every moment! I have made a vow not to complain - for myself so I can enjoy every moment and for others as I have met more and more people who are struggling to create a family and I have experienced first hand how hard it is to listen to other women who have what you so desperately desire constantly complain about every little thing.

So now my rant is over I'm going to tell you about my morning all day sickness! With my first I didn't really have morning sickness, I was quite dizzy for maybe a month from week 6 to about week 10, I felt nauseous only a couple of times. I know every pregnancy is different but I didn't expect to have anything worse than the first time. This time it started at 5 weeks ( I am writing this at 7 weeks) It started mild but has progressed to lying on the couch only. Now for the good bit. I'm trying as hard as possible to take this as a good thing, I don't want to eat and feel like I want to chuck if I stand up/open my eyes, but this means that my body is making a baby, that I have hormones pumping through my body making a baby! So I am feeling lousy  but I am happy that I get to feel lousy because I wasn't sure that I would ever get to experience pregnancy again.

So yay to feeling lousy and morning sickness!


I have been feeling much better at the end of the 1st trimester. Hubby has been leaving me breakfast for when I wake up (he leaves the house around 5:30 am depending on the day) and I found that eating something small every hour or two has helped settle my morning sickness! I still feel a little sick sometimes but I can get up and do things around the house without feeling so lousy! SO YAY!


  1. Glad the morning sickness is going away! Good on you for staying positive, it's a good frame of mind to stay in. Xx

  2. Nathalie, I am so pleased and happy to see that you are pregnant again. Wishing you all the very best for your lovely spring time baby! And glad you are feeling better. I was just thinking the other day, the only part of pregnancy I miss is that lovely middle trimester, when the baby starts making little butterfly kicks, and you look radiant, and not like an elephant. Enjoy!

    1. Ha ha Thank-you we are thrilled! I can't wait to feel movement, my favorite part - other than the holding them at the end bit!

  3. Hi. I think you're fine to have a bit of a moan if you want you! Doesn't make you any less glad to be pregnant :D Glad you're feeling a bit better

    1. haha thanks! I am staying as positive as possible because I don;t want to get all negative and not be able to snap out of it. I hated being pregnant the 1st time and let everyone know about it. This time after struggling for so long I know what it feels like to be on the receiving end of hearing complaints and it used to drive me crazy! I don't want to be that person who is privately (or publicly) struggling with infertility. It's hard to hear when that is all you want - to be pregnant. I am also loving it this time, so find no reason to complain. But thank - you I am so happy that part has passed and now I can just enjoy!


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